The project: Create folders for standing scrapbooks to protect them during retrieval and make object IDs easy to locate.
The scope: 22 uniformly sized scrapbooks.
The pattern: Open top cardstock book sleeves with no alterations.
Over several years, the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula inventoried and rehoused its scrapbook collection. While most of the scrapbooks were individually boxed in purchased book boxes, a subset of them were in good enough condition to be stored upright on bookshelves. For extra protection, I created individual cardstock sleeves for these standing scrapbooks. This would allow them to be retrieved more safely from the shelf and also allowed for indentifying information such as an object ID to be written on the sleeve.
I created the sleeve pattern from scratch. It involves a closed bottom, so that the books can be safely pulled off the shelf, and overlapping front flaps that velcro closed. The top is left open. This enclosure is fairly quick to create and requires minimal adhesive. Here is the final shelf:

The image gallery below walks you through the process of creating these sleeves. For detailed pattern drafting instructions, see the cardstock book sleeves page.